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2023-2024 YOU REGIES

Taevion McMullin
Spirituality Regional Officer

Hey-Hey All!!!! I’m Taevion McMullin, and I am so Grateful and
Blessed to be a 2023-2024 Regional Officer. I will be serving as
a Spirituality Regie for my term.

I’ve been in Unity since I was five years old, and Regional
Officers have always inspired me and their commitment to
Unity. I never thought I could be just like them, but thanks to
our community’s and my family’s support, I’ve realized I can be
just as a positive impact and role model for people as they
were to me.

Besides Unity, I love to be outdoors, travel, do archery, and
swim occasionally. I also love spending time with family and
friends, as well as my sweet doggie Sukari :).

I’m so excited to be a Regie and work with my fellow officers for this term, and continue to grow and meet new people under the fabric of Unity.

Aurora Landry
Connections (in-reach/outreach) Regional Officer
Unity of Roanoke Valley

Hello everyone!!! My name is Aurora Landry, and I am so
happy to be the new 2023-2024 Connections (in-reach/outreach) Regional Officer! I attend Unity of Roanoke Valley. I have
been here since I was two and am so grateful to be raised in
this loving community. Becoming a Regi is one of the greatest
things to happen to me in Unity.

In my free time, I love to sing and do theater. I was Ursula in my
school’s production of The Little Mermaid. I am taking voice
lessons to broaden my range out to opera. I plan to go to JMU
to pursue music. I am in the color guard for my marching
band. I also do Winter guard. We did a Princess and the Frog
theme show, and I fell in love. When I’m not doing my
activities, I love hanging out with my friends and just taking
pictures to capture the great moments.

 I cannot express how overjoyed I am to work with Delaney and Taevion. We will make the best team possible, and I can’t wait to see what this year holds!!! Conquer the future- Aurora <333 Hi All!!!! 

Delaney Boston
Communications Regional Officer
Unity of Richmond

Hi All!!!! I am Delaney Boston, your Communications Regional Officer from Unity of Richmond.

I am very excited to help this special program grow with the people we have in it and welcome new people.

I love meeting new people, making friends, and helping anyone who needs it. I am a sophomore at Godwin High School. I love
playing volleyball, making bracelets, and socializing.

YOU Rally’s have been an amazing experience, and I hope I can do the same and make them amazing for you as well. I can’t wait to help youhave some awesome Rally’s this year, and I’m very excited to meet everyone at future Rally’s.